Volvo XC60 Loyalty Offer

Exclusive Loyalty Discount: Discover Your Special Offer on the New Volvo XC60 Today

If you are a current or previous Volvo customer, you may be eligible for a further discount on a new XC60 through our loyalty programme. Enjoy a £1,000 saving on the XC60 Plus or Ultra models.

Request a personalised quote to discover how you can enjoy the luxury and efficiency of the Volvo XC60. Don’t miss out on this opportunity tailored just for you.

Request A Personalised Quote

For further details, choose the XC60 model you are interested in to speak to a TMS Volvo Specialist.

TMS Volvo Coventry: 02476 303132 | TMS Volvo Hinckley: 01455 632478 | TMS Volvo Leicester: 0116 2758800