Our loyalty discounts are designed to reward our valued customers with exclusive savings on some of the most popular Volvo models. Whether you are considering a plug-in hybrid, mild hybrid, or fully electric SUV, these loyalty savings provide exceptional value. With savings of up to £4,000, now is the perfect time to upgrade to a new Volvo and enjoy advanced safety features, premium comfort, and innovative technology.
Contact our team today to learn more about each model and let us find you your perfect Volvo.
TMS Volvo Coventry: 02476 303132 | TMS Volvo Hinckley: 01455 632478 | TMS Volvo Leicester: 0116 2758800
Don’t miss out on these limited-time Volvo loyalty discounts. Whether you're upgrading to a new Volvo or exploring our plug-in hybrid and electric models, we’re here to help you save more.
Contact us today to schedule a test drive and make this year unforgettable with a brand-new Volvo by your side.
TMS Volvo Coventry: 02476 303132 | TMS Volvo Hinckley: 01455 632478 | TMS Volvo Leicester: 0116 2758800
The Volvo loyalty discount is an exclusive offer for returning Volvo customers. It allows you to save up to £4,000 on select Volvo models, including plug-in hybrids, fully electric SUVs, and mild hybrids.
Eligible models include popular options like the Volvo EX90, XC90, XC60, V60, and more. Discounts vary by model, with savings of up to £4,000 available on certain vehicles.
Volvo loyalty discounts are available to returning Volvo customers. Whether you currently own a Volvo or have recently owned one, you may qualify for these exclusive savings.
To claim your Volvo loyalty discount, contact your nearest TMS Volvo dealership. Our team will guide you through the process and help you find the perfect Volvo for your needs.
Loyalty discounts are available for a limited time only. Contact TMS Volvo today to secure your savings before the offer ends.